Media Arts Festival
Trevor Van den Eijnden
Raylene Campbell
Grayson Cooke
Shlomi Greenspan
Mat Lindenburg
Greg Marshall
John Osborne
Peter Redecopp
Tasman Richardson
Anna Semenoff
Jadda Tsui
Untrained Animals
Matthew Waddell
351 11 Avenue South West
02–04 February 2017
Special thanks to our funders and sponsors:
Canada Council for the Arts
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Calgary Arts Development
The City of Calgary
Government of Canada
TRUCK Contemporary Art in Calgary
University of Calgary – Computational Media Design Program
Carvel Creative
Big Rock Brewery
EMMEDIA is proud to present the 3rd PARTICLE + WAVE Media Arts Festival, a unique 3-day event that will celebrate the critical innovation and creativity present in the media arts community. This festival will showcase an art form that by it’s very nature, is constantly evolving and growing with the integration of ever-changing technological processes. Exhibitions, installations and performances by local and national artists will be showcased in Calgary, along with a workshop and artist panel. Join us through February 2 – 4, 2017 and EMmerse yourself in media art!
An installation by Tasman Richardson
Location: EMMEDIA – 351 11 Ave SW (2nd Floor)
February 3 – 25, 2017 (closed February 18)
Gallery hours: Tues-Sat @ 12-6PM
Opening Reception: February 2, 2017 @ 7-10PM
FREE admission
Each projection loosely references the different halves of the brain; the first consisting of colour and melody, while the second focuses on monochrome textures and rhythmic noise. The images are generated using a power failure method with Atari 2600 game consoles, while the music is entirely composed from the source glitches, as a result of hundreds of carefully measured edits and the perfect synchronicity between the two channels (or faces/minds) of video. The work references themes of failure, transformation, order and temporal dualism.
For more information, go to: http://emmedia.ca/2017/01/janus/
The Sacred and the Profane
Artist panel moderated by Lindsay MacDonald with artists Peter Redecopp, Tasman Richardson and Trevor Van den Eijnden
Location: ICT 516, University of Calgary – 856 Campus Place NW (5th floor)
Friday, February 3, 2017 @ 1 – 3PM
FREE admission
Émile Durkheim proposed that the dichotomy between the Sacred and the Profane can serve as a basis for understanding religion. Things that are Sacred are surrounded by ritual practices, have prescribed methods for how people are meant to encounter them, and can form the basis of social structure or control. The Profane references the mundane physical world that we can know or experience through our senses. Neither is inherently good nor evil. In this panel discussion, Lindsay MacDonald, Peter Redecopp, Tasman Richardson and Trevor Van den Eijnden will examine how their work presented at PARTICLE + WAVE challenges the Sacred and the Profane dichotomy and pushes the boundary between the two.
For more information, go to: http://emmedia.ca/2017/01/the-sacred-and-the-profane-artist-panel/
Digital Artifacts
A group exhibition featuring Greg Marshall, Peter Redecopp, Anna Semenoff and Trevor Van den Eijnden
Location: U-Hall, TRUCK Contemporary Art in Calgary – 2009 10th Ave SW
February 4 – March 4, 2017 (closed February 18)
Gallery hours: Tues-Fri @ 11AM – 5PM, Sat @ 12PM – 5PM
Opening Reception: February 3, 2017 @ 8-11PM
FREE admission
An artifact in the digital realm; an unintended glitch or distortion that by digital processes, echoes indefinitely, rapidly branching in scale and scope, leaving the impression of artificiality. The group exhibition explores these artifacts through the ritual repetition of patterns in a digital landscape, tackling the themes of memory, relics, religion and warfare.
For more information, go to: http://emmedia.ca/2017/01/digital-artifacts/
Me and YOUnity and Everything I Know: An Introduction to Unity3D for Installation and Animation
A workshop with Mat Lindenburg & Jadda Tsui
Location: EMMEDIA – 351 11 Ave SW
Saturday, February 4, 2017 @ 12 – 2PM
FREE admission
Limited seats, register with particlewave@emmedia.ca
In this workshop, participants will be introduced to Unity, a free, cross-platform, well-supported, 3D and 2D engine used primarily for games but increasingly being explored for its potential for creative coding, art installations, animation, and interactive experiences. Participants are recommended to come with a laptop containing Unity, updated to the latest version, to get the most out of the workshop. To download Unity, go to: unity3d.com
For more information, go to: http://emmedia.ca/2017/01/me-and-younity-and-everything-i-know/
Performances by Raylene Campbell, Mat Lindenburg & Jadda Tsui, and Untrained Animals
Screenings by Shlomi Greenspan and John Osborne
Installations by Grayson Cooke and Matthew Waddell
Location: Festival Hall – 1215 10th Ave SE
Saturday, February 4, 2017 @ 7:30PM – 10PM (Doors at 7PM)
Tickets: $15 in advance at: https://www.myshowpass.com/particle-wave-feature-night/
$20 at the door
On the featured night of the PARTICLE + WAVE Media Arts Festival, we explore the many facets of media arts, including audio, video, animation and the use of digital interfaces and landscapes. Be immersed in media arts with live audio-visual performances, screenings and installations on a night that showcases the ever-changing technological tools and processes, and the artists who utilize them in amazingly creative ways.
For more information, go to: http://emmedia.ca/2017/01/particle-wave-feature-night/
Note: Works from The Relics of the Anthropocene Temple, including Relics I, II, IV, and V were shown at Truck Contemporary as part of a group exhibition, Digital Artifacts, during the Particle + Wave media arts festival. For more information please visit the page on Digital Artifacts by clicking here.